Ocean surveillance
Picking up tiny things

UNSEENLABS launched its first nanosatellite into orbit in August 2019, which thanks to its proprietary on-board technology based on the identification of electromagnetic waves emitted by ships, can geolocate from space any ship at sea, in near-real time, to the nearest kilometre. (Photo: UNSEENLABS)

Ocean surveillance has become a huge challenge. Space-based assets bring in significant wide-area capability for various activities specifically in regions where maritime traffic is affected by potential threats or sources of illegal actions such as maritime piracy.


Matured concept: the Sterenn Du unmanned catamaran has been extensively trialled to validate the design. (Photo: Naval Group)

Unmanned surface vehicles – like their underwater cousins – are being deployed in the maritime environment to support a wide variety of operations across the full range of peacetime, crisis and wartime missions. Nowadays, unmanned systems play an important role for maritime operations. As seen during recent conflicts, there is a staggering growth in autonomous vehicles. Considered a vital element of navies’ future force structure,